A Bibliometric Analysis on Technostress: An Emerging Discipline

Asifa Ali, Sumaira Jan, Peerzada Mohammad Iqbal


The present research work is the Bibliometric analysis aiming to explore the global research trends on “Technostress” covering a period of 30 years (from 1989 to 2018) based on the data collected from the “Web of Science” which is one of the largest indexing and abstracting source.  Accordingly, the data was harvested by entering a search keyword “Technostress” and limiting the time span from the year 1989 to 2018, retrieving a total of 142 results which were later analyzed based on chosen parameters viz; document type, source title, year of publication, productive authors, discipline, authorship pattern etc. The findings reveal that, year 2018 and 2017 emerge to be the top productive years in terms of research output with the highest number of publications (29, 20.5%). Majority (36.6%) of the publications were contributed by USA, followed by China (13.3%). Preponderance (14.1%) of publications is published in “Computers in Human Behavior.” The authorship pattern reveals that single author contributed 12.7% articles; whereas 87.3% are co-authored, however, among all authors “Tarafdar” tops the list and emerges as the most prolific author with the highest (14) of publications. Whereas, preponderance of research is contributed in the field Information Science/Library Science with English as top preferred language of publication.

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