The present study was envisaged to evaluate the status of the Government First Grade College libraries in the state of Karnataka. The college library manual was used to examine the status of libraries' staffing patterns, the proportion of grants, building space, furniture and ICT equipment, services, and library automation. A survey method with a quantitative approach was used and the data was collected using a questionnaire tool. A total of 249 filled-in copies of the questionnaires were obtained showing a response rate of 89.56%. The MS Excel and SPSS packages were used to process, tabulate, and validate the data collected. Inadequate support staff, lack of space, insufficient grants, poor collection, and lack of furniture and equipment were found in most of the GFGC libraries of Karnataka state. The investigator recommends that governing bodies should appoint full-time librarians, and free up library grants for ICT implementation. The libraries already automated with proprietary software should migrate to open-source software. The study implies that there is a need to network all government and private-aided college libraries for common use to provide access to the resources of individual libraries and improve resource utilization. Participation in networking will benefit libraries in overcoming the problem of rising prices of information resources and insufficient library budgets.
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