Mapping Research output of Faculty of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University: A Bibliometric assessment from 2009 to 2018

Dhan Maya Chetry, Nabin Chandra Dey, Narayan Chhetry


The study explores the research performance of the Faculty of Agriculture under Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. It examines total publications, year-wise distribution of papers, authorship patterns, h-index, highly preferred journals, and validity of Lotka's Law and Bradford’s Law. A total of 378 articles were published from 2009 to 2018, retrieved from the Scopus database. The study reveals that the maximum number of 77 (20.37 %) journal articles were published in 2017. The maximum number of journal articles with more than five authors is 25.4 %. Lotka's law is valid in the present study. The degree of collaboration "C" is 0.96, and the distribution of core journals does not fit into Bradford's Law.

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