Use and Gratification of Social Media Networks by LIS students in University of Delhi: A study

Deepak Kumar, Ashu Shokeen


This study aims to explore the use and gratification of Social Media Networks (SMN) among the Library and Information Science (LIS) students of University of Delhi. The survey method with convenience sampling has been used for data collection and 52 valid responses have been collected by using a closed ended questionnaire from the BLISc, MLISc and Ph.D. students.The demographic profile shows that female is 55.8%; male is 44.2%. Majority are from the age group of 23-25 years. The students are using SMN everyday (86.3%) and majority of them spend less than two hours (53.8%) everyday on using it. Smartphone (92.3%) is the preferred device and home (86.5%) is the favorite place of using SMN. WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube gain the highest tendency of use and the main purpose of using the SMN has been found to stay in touch with family and friends. The highest gratification has been shown towards privacy concerns and the lowest gratification is mainly towards self-discourse.

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