Knowledge, Proficiency and Expertise required by Smart Librarians in the Digital Era
Adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), in libraries have helped librarians in administration and in serving the end users. The technology is changing everyday at faster speed which is creating a burden to librarians to adopt new technology and function accordingly. The aim of the present research is to study knowledge, proficiency and expertise required by practicing librarians in the digital era. Survey research method was employed and structured questionnaire as a data collection tool. The sample consisted of library professionals (not semi and non library professionals) of South Mumbai Region only. The study found that along with traditional knowledge, LIS professional need to develop their IT skills too. It was observed that the drastic changes in the field of ICT are creating pressure on library in general and LIS professionals in particular to adopt the latest techniques and practices in digital age. For this purpose academic librarians need to attend the different types of professional training Programmesmeseses such as workshops, conferences, demonstrations, online trainings etc. to develop and learn new technologies effectively and efficiently work in the digital library environment. For a successful professional career in the digital library environment, it is utmost important that the upcoming generation of LIS professionals should have high knowledge of ICT technologies such as database development and management systems, networking, cloud computing, file management, discovery services, which are most essential in today’s context.
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