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Cognitive Assessment in the Online Learning Environment during Covid 19 Pandemic: A case study of SLIS Stakeholders

Minaxi A P


In the current era, the Covid 19 has been a widely spreading pandemic to the entire world. Where all organizations, sectors, and companies, even though mankind too suffered. The Indians had been much bearded from it. Entire India had been locked down except for some important services i.e., hospitals and their relevant professionals. In this situation, academic organizations choose to catch the hand of ICT instead of stopping their progress; because the pause situation of teaching-learning denotes the future and development of India would be reversed one step downward. Hence, this decision proved good for all the academic organizations and learners who agreed to shake the hand of ICT and web technology. Since the course curriculum of LIS covered many ICT tools and techniques in the syllabus, the SLIS-CUG also followed the same. They had continued the teaching-learning process of professional courses through various ICT and Web technology, which is completed when the learner inculcates knowledge by understanding the concept and its applications. Therefore, the cognitive assessment had been conducted to identify the realm status of learners in understanding the subject, concept, and its application in the practice of the library profession. In this study, a total of 27 learners and 3 faculties had responded. Overall, all respondents agreed that ICT and web technology can be supplemented with some extended subject concepts.   

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