Status and Challenges of Public Libraries Automation in Goa State

Bhavna Vikram Maru, Prahalad G Tadasad


The present paper is an attempt to report the current status of the public libraries in the State of Goa. It discusses about the revolutionary changes that the concept of Information Technology have bought in the libraries today. It draws our attention to the advancement in Information and Communication Technologies and their need for adoption in the present library system. On one side there is a sea change in methods of seeking the information, on the other side, there are equally powerful tools for information dissemination. The public libraries are the only place where information can be accessed freely without any discrimination and open to all common man in the society. This study helps to assess the status of the automation in the State Central Library, its District Libraries and Taluka Libraries of the Goa State. Eventually, it would also focus on the hardships to implement the IT based operation or automation in these libraries.

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