Citation Analysis of Global Dengue Research Publication during 2010 to 2017: A Scientometric Approach

Sadik Batcha


Dengue is currently regarded globally as the most important mosquito-borne viral disease. The true impact of dengue globally is difficult to ascertain due to factors such as inadequate disease surveillance, misdiagnosis, and low levels of reporting. Currently available data likely grossly underestimates the social, economic, and disease burden. Estimates of the global incidence of dengue infections per year have ranged between 50 million and 200 million; however, recent estimates using cartographic approaches suggest this number is closer to almost 400 million. There are about 6,031 research papers collectively contributed by 22,234 scientists published in 6007 scientific periodicals in recent 8 years as the focus on this fever attracts attention of Scientists at the considerable rate.  The present paper attempts to check the applicability of Price’s Law on the citations of 6031 global publications on Dengue.  The study lights on the trend of scientific productivity, h-index and productivity of authors, the total citation sum of top cited journals are scientifically analysed

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